Peak Tiered Savings
Savings That you Can Cheers To! Earn more from the start with our new Peak Tiered Savings Account.
Deposit Amount | APY | Earnings |
$0.00 - $2,000.00 | 3.75% | $0.00 |
$2,000.01 - $5,000.00 | 3.75% | $0.00 |
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 | 0.50% | $0.00 |
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 | 0.25% | $0.00 |
25,000.01+ | 0.10% | $0.00 |
frequently asked questions
1. What does a tiered savings or blended saving account entail?
a. A “tiered-rate” or “blended” savings account is one that pays different rates of interest depending on the amount of funds held in the account. Unlike traditional savings accounts, this account gives you the highest rate on the lowest tiers, which means that you earn a better rate of return on lower balances, while still earning a competitive rate on higher balances.
b. Blended APYs assume the dollar amount will be held in the account for one year.
2. Is my money locked in for a year or five years like a C.D.?
a. No, you can have access to your money and can make up six automatic or preauthorized transfers from your shared savings account per calendar month. You can make a withdrawal at any of our branches or ATM’s and/or you can transfer money online between your accounts. View your account balance and transaction information quickly and easily with online and mobile banking. You will not receive a penalty or fee if you withdraw from the account. While you will not receive a penalty or fee for withdrawing money from the account, you could see a difference in the number of dividends paid if you withdraw the money before the one-year mark.
3. Can I open multiple accounts and/or is there a minimum balance to start?
a. No there is no minimum balance, but we only allow one Peak Tiered Savings per member account.
4. Is this product only available for consumer accounts?
a. No, you can open a Business Peak Tiered Savings Account verses a consumer option.
5. Can I open my account online?
a. Yes, visit www.ontapcu.org and click apply on the upper right and select account.
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are valid as of October 1st, 2022 and are subject to change after account opening without notice. Interest is paid at tier rates on balances within each tier. Total interest paid is the sum from each tier. “Blended APY” shown assumes the amount entered is kept in the account for one year. Withdrawing funds before one year will result in a different amount of dividends paid. No minimum deposit required to open an account. Limit one Peak Tiered Saving Account per social security number.