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6.99% APR* On Balance Transfers For The First Year
Skip-A-Pay Loan Payment Solutions

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“We were able to consolidate our debts into one credit card with a lower interest rate. We refinanced both our cars and we are now credit card debt free!! This means more vacation time for the family!”
Jennifer C. Member Since 2008
Member Owned. Colorado Proud.
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Our 5-step process crafts solutions to simplify banking and help you make confident financial decisions with all of your banking needs conveniently "On Tap."
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*Home Equity No Closing Costs - No closing costs in most cases. Appraisal or third-party fees may apply at the member’s expense. For a $250,000 loan, these fees can range from $0 to $1000. Use Promo Code: NOCLOSECOST
*90 Day No Payments On Auto Loans - Interest accrues during the deferral period and may extend the term of the loan. Payments may be made during the deferral period. Offer not applicable on boat, powersport, and RV loans. Use promo code NOPAY90.
*Credit Cards. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Conditions, restrictions, and credit approval apply. The offer may end at any time. The introductory period is twelve billing cycles from the date the credit card account is opened. The balance of purchases you make during the introductory period will return to your regular qualified rate at the end of the introductory period if you do not pay it in full. After the introductory period, all purchases and balance transfers made will be subject to your qualified APR. Refer to your Credit Card Agreement for complete information. OTCU membership of $5 is required.
* Skip-A-Pay Loan Solutions - Excludes home loans (including mortgages and home equity lines of credit) and credit cards. In order to qualify, you must not have been late on any On Tap Credit Union loan payment, or have skipped two payments on the loan requested, in the past 12 months. You may not skip two consecutive loan payments. There is a $25 fee per skipped loan payment, which will be deducted from your On Tap Credit Union share or checking account. Interest will continue to accrue during the extension period at the same rate(s) as the original contract(s) and that the term and repayment period of the loan(s) will be extended due to this request. Additional documentation may be required. Additional restrictions may apply.
Federally Insured By The NCUA